Let's Talk Healing Crystals

Today's podcast is with someone I have become fast friends with and whom I've interviewed before, Frances Naude. Her career is based around holding space and helping people heal through alternative means. I think people all around the world are being tested during these difficult times and it's up to each individual to find new ways to bring joy into their everyday lives. Frances has been doing the leg work on creating joy and healing modalities through Reiki, meditation, sound healing, crystals and much more.

In this podcast, we talk all about the mystical healing benefits crystals can have on a person. I know! I was skeptical at first as well, but if we want to truly reach our highest potential, it's time to think outside the box and be more open-minded. This podcast is extremely informative for all levels of crystal lovers and newbies. If you would like to experience more of a one-on-one conversation with Frances, her website is www.fournoblehealing.com. She has so many wonderful offerings,  including her free Bliss Society (learn more about this on her website). I urge you to check her out!


Back To Basics-Living with fewer toxins