Understanding Soul Contracts And Parenting


In this week's episode of The Wellness Matters podcast I decided to piggy back off of my last podcast about soul contracts. I was on a hike with my dogs recently and received a loud message to help make parents understand that they are doing great and are exactly what their child was looking for. I discuss the concept of soul contracts and how it relates to parenting and explain that soul contracts are agreements made in the soul realm before coming to Earth, where souls choose their parents and the experiences they want to have. I emphasize that parents should understand that their child chose them because of who they are, and that they are doing everything they are supposed to be doing. I also encourage parents to stop trying to mold their children into versions of themselves and instead allow them to be who they came here to be. I remind parents that their children are their teachers and that they signed a contract with them to learn and grow together. At the end of the podcast I announced my upcoming creation of a soul contract workbook to help people understand their purpose and relationships.


Children choose their parents and the experiences they want to have through soul contracts.

Parents should understand that their child chose them because of who they are and that they are doing everything they are supposed to be doing.

Parents should stop trying to mold their children into versions of themselves and instead allow them to be who they came here to be.

Children are the teachers of their parents and both parties signed a contract to learn and grow together.

I am creating a soul contract workbook to help people understand their purpose and relationships.

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My book: ​The Missing Piece​


Challenges In The Western Healthcare System And The Launch Of Good Psyche


The Power Of Soul Contracts