Bread, to eat or not to eat? That is the question.

Do you find yourself more confused than ever with the bread topic? You are not alone on the subject but hopefully I can shine a little light on the issue.

So I'm going to write my second blog on a very controversial topic, to eat bread or not? This question has plagued the minds of so many. I am here to tell you that I don't have all the answers but I have done a LOT of research and here is what I found.

All whole grain kernels contain three main parts: bran, endosperm, and germ. The bran and germ are where most of the nutritional value lies. They contain antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Unfortunately, when grains are refined (when humans start to remove elements) these amazing benefits are typically removed to increase shelf life. When they are removed bye-bye goes the fiber to slow down digestion and absorption. Refined grains (like pastas and white flour) cause blood sugar to increase quickly and don't have as much nutritional value.

Given this information, it makes the argument that all things refined is not the best way to get whole grains. I am not going to try and sway you one way or the other on this topic but there does seem to be a case for the non-refinded grains that aid in digestion, helps us stay full longer, and give us high-quality energy. After having a quinoa bowl, you can count on having tons of energy without huge spikes and drops in your blood sugar. Also, refined grains have been linked to obesity, inconsistent blood sugar levels, and chronic inflammation (inflammation will be another blog for another day). However, swearing off all carbs entirely may lead to deficiencies in the body. Some wonderful carbs to include in your daily diet are fruits, vegetables, WHOLE GRAINS and legumes.

Long story short, if you want to consume grains, whole grains seem to be the way to go. Go for the grains that didn't have parts extracted. Those parts of the grain have beneficial elements. My suggestion is to explore different whole grains in your diet and see which ones work best for you. Some great examples of some whole grains to try are:

BROWN RICE- highest amount of B vitamins of all the grains, contains iron, magnesium and is high in fiber

BUCKWHEAT- Gluten Free, longest transit time in the digestive tract, most filling, benefits circulation, and rich in B vitamins

MILLET- Gluten Free, high in protein, fiber, iron, magnesium, and supports healthy skin

QUINOA- Cooks the fastest of the grains, its a complete protein, Gluten Free, contains B vitamins, iron, zinc, magnesium, and calcium

Now go have some fun and research an easy whole grain recipe to try and explore a whole new world of eating!


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