Near Death Experience with Steve Noack

I went down a YouTube rabbit hole recently and I came across a video about a man named Steve Noack and his near-death experience. His story intrigued me so much that I emailed him right away! I knew his story could change so many people's views about what comes after death.
Steve is a psychic and zero-point quantum energy practitioner. A Quantum Healer has the ability to create a high frequency of life-force energy and then use that energy to place a field of high energy around an area of pain, stress, inflammation, or disease. This process is understood to amplify the body’s natural healing ability.

My conversation with Steve is one you DO NOT want to miss. He is full of so many useful insights and ways of creating peace in your life. I encourage you to learn more about Steve by checking out his website


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Theta Healing- Tapping Into The Unconscious Mind